Why this is so hard!

This is a hard life! There hasn't been one day of the past 286 days that i've spended in America when I haven't been thinking of Sweden at least once during the day. And at the same time, there hasn't been one day when I haven't been feeling lucky to be here. I am so happy I decided to go on this adventure!

What I'm not so happy about is how little I've been talking to everyone back home. In the begining we were all really good att staying in touch, and when I went back to visit I really felt like I were home again. But since I got back from Sweden... I don't know. But it makes me sad, and I hope you all back home know how much I miss you! Cause I do, a lot. And I wish you all could have been here and see the life I've been living.

I miss my family - I can't wait until I get to sit at the kitchen table and eat a yummy fridaynight dinner with my family again. Talk about memories, work, everything. Just being together again!
I miss my friends - everyone! All the things we've done, I miss just hanging out, sitting in a couch talking.
I miss my brothers - both bigger and younger! What would I do without them?

I miss going to hockeygames without paying alot of money. I miss walking to places. Taking the bus. Talk to people I know, the nature. I miss working and going to school. But that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my time here. The people that's a little more outgoing, sometimes to much, the cities, the people and the food.

When I go home I'm going to be so divided. One half will be so happy to be back, see everyone again. The other half will be broken. I love my American family, and it's gonna be so hard to leave them. And I'm going to miss them so much. It's something you can't explain, spending one year living so close to people. They've really done everything they can to make me feel good here. And I do, it's like a second home.

I have a little over 70 days left, then I'll be back.
Love L,


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